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the valenians:

Said to be unparalleled in the art of stealth and speed, the Valenians are a group capable of striking fear in the hearts of the most courageous of cats. A force to be reckoned with, they are said to be comparable to that of the wind: present one minute and gone the next. These cats weave in and out of their surroundings, functioning as assassins from above and below, lashing out to strike at the most unsuspecting moment and holding nothing back when threatened. While divided as a clan, they set aside their differences long enough to resolutely defend their own, presenting an aloof, unforgiving exterior to those who dare to attack. When threatened or insulted, they’ll extract their revenge coldly and shrewdly, but not without forethought. Their patience is one of their greatest assets - they will play the waiting game and there is no doubt they are good at it. 


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